Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Wiki
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Wiki

Scarring Partners is a level in the Second Portion of the game and is the Wolverine boss fight level. During the level, Wovlerine will ask Spider-Man questions so he can figure out whether he is infected or not. If Spider-Man answers right, He is awarded Red Points. If he answers wrong, Black Points. Twice during the fight, A group of Infected Citizens will attack them both. If Spider-Man helps Logan kill the symbiotes, he will be awarded Red points. If Spider-Man doesn't help Logan and instead continues to attack him, He will be given Black Points. After Spider-Man beats Wolverine, Wolverine will decide that Spider-Man is telling the truth and is not infected. Spider-Man will then take quests from Wolverine and not Black Cat or MoonKnight anymore.
